Frequent Bloating at Office Work - How To Overcome It?

Gone are the days when people used to work outside their homes. In a modern office environment, employees have to sit for long hours.

This sedentary work culture is giving rise to many health problems and bloating is one of them. It is a prevalent but overlooked issue.

Frequent bloating at the office can lead to discomfort which eventually decreases productivity. If you struggle with bloating at your work, you must have asked the question “How can I stop bloating at work?” multiple times.

According to a top gastroenterology doctor in Patna, there are many ways to deal with bloating but to decide which one is going to be effective for your condition, you need to first understand the causes behind it. 


What Causes Frequent Bloating at Office Work?  

Bloating is one such health condition that is becoming common day by day. It can create difficulty especially when you are at work.

This is the reason why the internet is full of queries like "Why am I always bloated in the office?”. So, here are some common causes of frequent bloating at office work: 


According to the best gastroenterologist in Patna constipation is one of the most common reasons behind frequent bloating. When you are at work you probably spend most of your time sitting or eating different foods to fight boredom.

This habit increases the chance of bloating. So if you are wondering, why do I bloat so much and so easily then remember your eating and other daily lifestyle habits are the main culprit behind it.


Hormones Imbalance 

If you ask a gastrologist in Patna, what comes to their mind when they hear, a bloated stomach and feeling sick and tired female, then most of them will say about hormone imbalance.

This is because all of these health conditions are common in a female just before and during their periods.

When a female goes through periods then their body experiences changes in hormones because it regulates the menstrual cycle. This is the reason why the internet is full of female-bloated stomach remedies. 

Excess gas 

Does sitting at a desk all day make you bloated? Well, according to a stomach doctor in Patna sting for a longer period compresses the abdomen which slows down the digestion.

Slow digestion is one of the common reasons behind the build-up of gas, which eventually leads to bloating. Slow or improper digestion may produce methane and hydrogen which creates numerous difficulties other than bloating and gas. 

Poor Eating Habits 

If you’ll try finding one common reason behind bloated stomach and diarrhea and gas then you’ll know the importance of eating habits. When we are at work most of the time we tend to finish our food quickly because of the workload.

This makes you swallow a lot of air which leads to excess gas. So, if you wonder “why my stomach feels heavy and bloated” after having lunch then you may need to eat slowly. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The causes which we have discussed in the previous section are not serious. But Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a serious condition that can damage your health.

It is a common condition that causes abdominal pain with bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. Among all these, abdominal bloating is a commonly reported symptom of this disease. So, if you wonder, “Why am I so bloated I look pregnant” then you may be suffering from IBS. 

So, these were some causes of frequent bloating at office work. Among all these, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most dangerous one.

So if you believe you are affected by this disease then hurry and get in touch with a stomach specialist in Patna. For that, you can contact Big Apollo Spectra because they have appointed some of the best stomach doctors in Patna to their team.

They are famous in the town for providing personalized treatment for fast and better results. So, if you want to know what relieves bloating fast then hurry and book an appointment with them through the hospital’s official website.



Many people have reported experiencing frequent bloating at office work. There can be many reasons behind it and in this blog, we have discussed some of the most common ones.

If you are fed-up with this health issue and struggle with questions like “Why do I feel bloated all the time and my stomach enlarged” then you must get in touch with a top stomach or liver specialist in Patna. Big Apollo Spectra is one such hospital where you will get the chance to meet some of the best gastrologists in Patna under one roof.

Along with that, you will also witness a world-class environment that helps the patients be relaxed and comfortable. So wait no more and get and contact Big Apollo Spectra if you wish to get rid of your bloating issue once and for all. 


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